School Attendance and Review Board

  • School attendance is required by law. Parents/guardians of children between the ages of six and eighteen are responsible for sending their children to school full time. The amount of time students attend class correlates very closely with learning; consequently, the importance of regular attendance and arriving at school on time cannot be overemphasized. State support of schools is based on pupil attendance. Funds are not received for any child absent from school. The minimum day established by the State of California for kindergartners is three hours; grades 1-3 is three hours and 50 minutes; and grades 4-6 is four hours. Please attempt to schedule appointments after your child completes the minimum day requirements.
    If it is necessary to excuse your child from class, stop at the school office first or notify the school in advance.

    Students absent without a valid excuse for more than three days in one school year shall be classified as truant. Students more than 30 minutes tardy on three or more school days in one school year shall be classified as truant. Parents will be notified when their child is truant.

    A School Attendance Review Board (SARB) addresses the needs of students with attendance and/or school behavior problems. Students and their families are referred to SARB by the school principal. Both the student and his/her parents are required to attend SARB meetings. District staff and community agencies work together to review cases which have not been resolved by school efforts to assure all available school and community resources are exhausted before the student is referred or the parents/guardians are cited to appear before juvenile court.


  • A2A

    Attention2Attendance (A2A) is the foundation of The Achievement Initiative.

    • Early warning and intervention system
    • Patented attendance and conferencing management program
    • Increases learning time for all students
    • Improves school site and parent relationships
    • Removes administrative burden from staff
    • Enhances school culture and climate


2024-2025 25-day Attendance Achievement