• Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

    Board Proclamation on Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, thies year's theme for the month of May is "Advancing Leaders Through Purpose-Driven Service". In the wake of increasing rates of anti-American harassment and violence during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increase if hate crimes directed toward women and elders of Asian descent, we must continue to condemn, denounce, and prevent these acts of violence and look for opportunities to heal together, root out racial injustices, and advance equity. 

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  • Employee Appreciation Month

    Board Proclamation on Employee Appreciation Wek, the California Department of Education recognizes several employee appreciation days in the month of May. The Baord of Trustees has the utmost respect and admiration for the District's certificated, classified, confidential, and administrative staff, who dedicate their talents to the education of our children. 

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  • Administrative Professionals Week

    Board Proclamation on Administrative Professionals Week (April 19th-23rd, 2021) and Administrative Professionals Day (April 21st, 2021). The work of administrative professionals requires advanced knowledge and expertise in communications, computer software, office technology, project management, organization, customer service, and other vital office management responsibilities. Administrative professionals are critical to the daily operation of district departments and school sites in providing excellence in service to our diverse community and are the primary "customer care" agents to the community. They are the first and only interaction with our parents and sommunity. The encounters leave the community with lasting impressions of educational works and services. For the week of April 19th and on April 21st, we recognize and celebrate the essential role administrative professionals play to our district.

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  • National Child Abuse Prevention Month

    Board Proclamation on National Abuse Prevention Month with this year's theme being "Thriving Children and Families: Prevention with Purpose." The Board of Trustees as of April 7th do hereby recognize April 2021 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month in EUSD, effective child abuse prevention activities succeed because of the partnerships created between child welfare professionals, education, health, community and faith-based organizations, businesses, law enforcement agencies, and families. Communities must make every effort to promote programs and activities that create strong and thriving children and families

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  • National Women's History Month

    Board Proclamation on National Women's History Month is a celebration of women's contributions to history, culture, and society, and has been observed annually in the month of March since 1987. The 2021 theme is "Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to be Silenced" which focuses on women's political involvment and leadership; all educational communtites are encouraged to celebrate the contributions women have made throughout history in science, politics, law, sports, the arts, entertainment, and many other fields. As decided on at the March 3rd Board Meeting. 

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  • Cesar Chavez Day

    Board Proclamation on Cesar Chavez Day, celebrating the birth and legacy of civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez on March 31st. Observed to promote service tot he community in honor of his life and work; all educational communties are encouraged to commemorate this occasion with appropriate instructional activities. As dedcided on at the March 17th Board Meeting.

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  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

    Board Proclamation on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21,2021. The 2021 theme is "Youth Standing Up Against Racism" engaging the public using the hashtag #FightRacism, we plan to encourage all instructional communities to commemorate this occasion with appropriate instructional activities. As decided on at the March 17th Board Meeting.

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