Chief Technology Officer
Degrees and Certifications:
Kelly Klein
Mr. Klein has over 18 years of real world IT industry experience working for some of the largest tech companies on the planet.
IBM, Toshiba, Walgreens, Kroger.
As the CTO for EUSD, Mr. Klein leverages his experience and background to ensure the delivery of academic success for all of our students. While simultaneously providing the technological tools and software required for all district staff to achieve excellence and proper delivery of current curriculum. Mr. Klein's duty is to proactively seek new technologies and hardware to prepare and maintain academic excellence for all of our students and staff. "Technology is a dynamic and fluid environment, embracing the constant change will only bring success for the future of our students and the Eastside Union School District"
"Everyone contributes, every student achieves"
Technology Services - Staff
Daniel Alvarez, Systems Analyst
Email: DAlvarez@eastsideusd.orgJames Hart, Systems Analyst
Email: JHart@eastsideusd.orgJacqueline Lopez Galvan, Helpdesk Technician
Email: JLopezGalvan@eastsideusd.orgLucero Ramirez, Helpdesk Technician
Email: LRamirez1@eastsideusd.orgNazareth Aguilera, Helpdesk Technician