2024-2025 Assessment Calendar
Testing Window
(Including MakeUps)
Name of Test
Which Students Participate
Approximate Time
August 8, 2024 - June 11, 2025(Must be completed within 30 days of enrollment)
INITIAL English Language Proficiency Assessments for CA (Initial ELPAC)
Students (K-8) whose Home Language Survey questions 1-4 indicate a language other than English AND are enrolling in a CA school for the FIRST time *TK students are not tested30 - 90 minutes
Aug. 14 – Aug. 23, 2024
iReady Diagnostic #1 · Beginning of the year diagnostic Reading & MathStudents grades K - 8
45 - 60 minutes per subject
(90 - 120 minutes total)
Aug. 26 – Sept. 13, 2024Beginning of Year Panorama Survey
All students: Grades 3 – 8
Approximately 15-20 minutes
Sept. 3 – June 6, 2024
California AlternateAssessment (CAA) for
Science & ELA & Math
Students grades 3 - 8 with IEPs that indicate Alternate State
During instructional day
Sept. 16 - Sept. 27, 2024
Interim Assessment Block #1: Administer one ELA and one Math
All students: Grades 3 – 8 *Used to provide direct instruction; teacher-led to unpack the system and allow for the familiarity of tools and testing strategies; do NOT use the secure browser
15 - 60 minutes per subject
(30 - 120 minutes total)
Nov. 4- Dec. 6, 2024OLWEUS Survey
All students grades 3-8
25-45 minutes
Dec. 9 - Dec. 13, 2024Make-ups: Dec. 16 – Dec.
18, 2024
iReady Diagnostic #2 · Mid-Year Diagnostic
All students: Grades K - 8
45 - 60 minutes per subject (90 - 120 minutes total)
Feb. 3 – Feb. 13, 2025
Interim Assessment Block #2: Administer one ELA and one Math
All students: Grades 3 – 8 *Protected testing environment; use secure browser15 - 60 minutes per subject
(30 - 120 minutes total)
Feb. 18 – May 22, 2025Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
All students: Grade 5 & 7Completed during P.E.
Feb. 3 – Mar. 21, 2025
Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for CA (Summative ELPAC)All English Learners: K - 8
K: 50 - 70 minutes
1st-2nd: 70 - 90 minutes
3rd - 8th: 100 - 175 minutes
April 7 - 11, 2025
Interim Assessment Block #3: One ELA and one Math
All students: Grades 3 – 8 *Protected testing environment; use secure browser15 - 60 minutes per subject
(30 - 120 minutes total)March 24 – April 11, 2025
End-of-Year Panorama SurveyAll students: Grades 3 – 8
Approximately 15-20 minutes
April 22 –30, 2025
iReady Diagnostic #3 · End of Year DiagnosticAll students: Grades K - 8
45 - 60 minutes per subject
(90 - 120 minutes total)
April 28-May 16, 2025
All students grade 3-8
25-45 minutesMay 12-30, 2025
Make-ups: June 2-6, 2025
CAASPP ELA, MathCalifornia Science Test
All students: Grades 3 – 8
All students: Grades 5 & 8
4-6 hours per subject
1-2 hours
Assessment Descriptions
Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)
- The Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC) is a California state test that determines if students whose primary language is not English need help learning the language. The test is required by law and is administered to students in kindergarten through grade 12 who are entering California schools for the first time.
- The ELPAC assesses four areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards. The test results identify students as either English learners (EL) or initial fluent English proficient (IFEP). IFEP students have well-developed oral and written skills.
iReady Diagnostic
- The i-Ready Diagnostic is a web-based assessment and instruction program for students in grades K–12 that measures reading and math skills. The adaptive test adjusts questions based on a student's previous answers, providing a more precise measurement of their performance.
- The i-Ready Diagnostic can help teachers: (1) understand a student's strengths and weaknesses; (2) set goals for student growth; (3) connect instructional tools to student goals; (4) and monitor student growth throughout the year.
- EUSD administers the iReady diagnostic in the Fall, Winter, & Spring.
Panorama Survey
- Panorama Surveys are a platform that provides research-backed surveys and data reports to help K-12 schools and districts understand and respond to feedback from their communities. The surveys can cover a variety of topics, including: (1) Student voice: How students perceive teaching, learning, and classroom experiences; (2) School climate: Factors that contribute to a safe and positive learning environment; (3) Teachers and staff: How teachers, staff, and school leaders can have productive conversations; (4) Family engagement: How to build strong partnerships between families and schools
- EUSD administers Panorama surveys at the beginning of the school year, and near the end of the school year.
California Alternate Assessment (CAA)
- California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and mathematics are given in grades three through eight and grade eleven.
- Student Participation: Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments even with accessibility supports and whose individualized education program (IEP) indicates assessment with an alternate test.
- Content and Format: The content of the alternate assessment is based on alternate achievement standards derived from the CCSS for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The CAAs are computer-based two-stage adaptive tests. They are administered to students in a one-on-one environment by a test examiner who is familiar with the student. More information about the alternate assessments and the alternate achievement standards can be found on the CDE CAASPP California Alternate Assessments web pages
- California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science are given in grades five, eight, and once in high school.
- Student Participation: The CAA for Science is required for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to take the CAST even with accessibility supports and whose IEP indicates assessment with an alternate test. The CAA for Science is administered to students in grades five and eight and once in high school (i.e., grade ten, eleven, or twelve).
- Content and Format: The content of the alternate assessment is based on alternate achievement standards derived from the CA NGSS. The CAA for Science is administered to students in a one-on-one environment by a test examiner who is familiar with the student. In 2018, the pilot year two consisted of three embedded PTs; in 2019, the CAA for Science field test consisted of three embedded PTs administered online; and in 2020, the operational assessment was administered for the first time. The CAA for Science embedded PTs may be administered anytime during the school’s instructional calendar.
- The Olweus Program is a comprehensive approach that includes schoolwide, classroom, individual, and community survey components. The program is focused on long-term change that creates a safe and positive school climate. It is designed and evaluated for use in elementary, middle, junior high and high schools (K-12). The program’s goals are: (1) to reduce and prevent bullying problems among school children; and (2) improve peer relations at school.
CAASPP IAB Interim Assessment
- Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) are part of the California Assessment System (CAASPP) and are used by teachers to evaluate student performance throughout the school year. IABs are intended to help teachers and students monitor student progress and identify areas for improvement in relation to the Common Core State Standards. Teachers can use the results of IABs to determine next steps for instruction.
- EUSD teachers will administer the IABs in both Math and ELA 3 times per year (Fall, Winter, and Spring).
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
- The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM®. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity.
- Students in grades five, seven, and nine take the fitness test. The FITNESSGRAM® has six parts, though California currently requires five parts be completed annually, that show a level of fitness that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity. The test results can be used by students, teachers, and parents
- The PFT - CalEdFacts page provides a more detailed overview of the test.
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics are given in grades three through eight and grade eleven.
- Student Participation: All students at the designated grade levels are required to participate with the following exceptions: (1) Students who participate in the alternate assessments; (2) ELA only—English learners who are in their first 12 months of attending a school in the United States.
- Content and Format: The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, which are delivered by computer, consist of two sections: a computer adaptive test and a performance task (PT) based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and mathematics. The computer adaptive section includes a range of item types, such as selected response, constructed response, table, fill-in, graphing, and so forth. The PTs are extended activities that measure a student’s ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards—a key component of college and career readiness.
California Science Test (CST)
- The California Science Test (CAST) are given in grades five, eight, and once in high school.
- Student Participation: The CAST is required for all students in grades five and eight and once in high school (i.e., grade ten, eleven, or twelve) unless their IEP indicates assessment with an alternate test. The CAST includes stand-alone or discrete items and PTs. The discrete item types consist of selected response, constructed response, table, fill-in, graphing, and so forth. The PTs measure a student’s ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards through extended activities.
- Content and Format: The CAST is aligned with the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS). The California State Board of Education (SBE) adopted the CA NGSS in September 2013. The CAST census field test took place in 2018, and the first operational test was administered in 2019. The 2020 CAST is the second operational administration of the test.
Summative English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)
- The Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is a computer-based test that measures how well English learner students are progressing in their English language development.
- The test assesses four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The Summative ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards.