Eastside Union School District is using an automated service that greatly simplifies and streamlines the process of finding and managing substitute jobs in this district. This service, called Absence Management (formerly Aesop), utilizes both the telephone and the Internet to assist you in locating jobs in this school district. The system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and it uses three methods to make jobs available to substitutes:
1. You can search for and accept available jobs, change personal settings, update your calendar, and personalize your available call times by visiting Absence Management. If the employee has uploaded lesson plans on the Internet, you will be able to view them online once you take the job!
2. You may interact with the system by way of a toll-free, automated voice instruction menu at 1-800-942-3767. Here, you can proactively search for jobs and manage existing jobs. We recommend calling in to check the computer recording of your name by pressing Option 4.
3. The system will also make phone calls to substitutes to offer jobs. The administrative office has selected the following hours as standard call times when the service may call for substitutes: 5:00 AM - 9:15 AM in the morning and 3:00 PM - 9:30 PM in the evening.Important Notes:
If you accept a job, the system will issue a confirmation number. Please remember that your transaction is not complete until a confirmation number is issued.
The system will automatically make a recording of your name in the phone system. To review or change the recording of your name, call in to the system and select Option 4.
We are confident that you will find the online experience beneficial and enjoyable!Using Absence Management on the Phone