The Eastside Academy/Transitional Learning Center Student Enrollment and Review Panel will meet on a monthly basis to consider recommendations for enrollment in the Eastside Academy/Transitional Learning Center.
Priority of Enrollment
Priority of enrollment to the Eastside Academy/Transitional Learning Center will be given to students who have been expelled or who are on probation for violent and/or dangerous offenses. For all other students, the school shall provide to the panel documentation justifying a recommendation for enrollment. In determining the appropriateness of the recommendation the panel will consider the following:
- Enrollment cap
- Enrollment composition
- Resources
- Student needs
- Interventions provided
Recommendation Process
Schools recommending a student for enrollment in the Eastside Academy/Transitional Learning Center, except in the case of an expulsion or a student on probation for a violent offense, shall exhaust all appropriate school site interventions to remedy the behavior for which the student is being recommended. In recommending a student for enrollment in the Eastside Academy/Transitional Learning Center, except in the case of an expulsion or a student on probation for a violent and/or dangerous offense, the school shall demonstrate a continued pattern of behavior which seriously hinders either the student's ability to function in a traditional schooling environment, a teacher's ability to teach, or other students' ability to learn in a safe and orderly environment. All schools shall complete and submit the Eastside Academy/Transitional Learning Center Student Enrollment Recommendation Packet at least five days prior to the scheduled panel meeting.